Sunday 10 December 2006
Withdrawal symptoms
It's when you've been addicted to everything sweet and nice, every heavenly word and thought, every nice dream and hope, when u had slept on dreams of the past and illusions of the future, and then you're stabbed ,slapped and badly brutally hurt, deep profound wound, that's when you'll start suffering from" Withdrawal symptoms".

Days pass by ,and you're just watching them, you're existing but not living, tears are falling and flowing you can't stop them, no sleep touching your eyes, no eating is even required, you're shaking, not believing, you wish you're dreaming or may be it's suddenly April and the Fool's here?..
Every single part of your body hurts you, your soul is wounded , you breathe heavily and it's being cut with tearful sighs, you stay silent for hours ,wishing you'll hear that healing voice again, that might come and take your tears away as brutally pushing them to fall..

Every where you go, whatever you do , there's the memory, there's the hurt, there's the lost dream, the symptoms gets hard and ever harder, after you come back from you one year whole trip to a new world of passion ,love ,care, dreams, hopes, plans, when someone said once" am not being optimistic, am being realistic" and suddenly it seemed not that true...

"If u stabbed me with a knife in my heart I'll still say i love you while dying" , "I'll make you cry of happiness one day", "I'll walk to the end of the world to bring you a cup of water" , "am searching for a word more expressive than i love you", "am dedicating my life to you" ,"you're trapped ,you're not gonna go this easily" , "i want everything to be perfect" , "i love you so much that it hurts" , "am your dreams ,hopes and life" .......

"It takes more than love to be with someone", yes it takes dedication, devotions and sincerity, "time is the best healer" ....the End....



Blogger saloma said...

very effective words & make sure that time is the best healer
and every thing pass

Anonymous Anonymous said...

work on forgetting bad memories, work & enjoy ur life, every time we will meet a lot of things, and you still in the begining of ur life so keep going on ur way and be optimistic ;)

Blogger Amr said...

It really hurts, it does!
When all the promises are sold, when all of the vows are disappearing to reveal a big deception! When you put you hand just over the heart to stop bleeding but the red liquid slips between the fingers...
Like if nothing is enough for many people, like if miracles are less than sufficient...
Your words inflame wounds...
I wish I never read such works again... but let us know the bad now to appreciate the good tomorrow

Blogger Enyita said...

Saloma u rele think time is the best healer of such wounds?i came up with that phrase and ended not believing it so much myself...
i'll try to be optimistic ya ahmed,
am sorry amr i know my words hurt, they r coming from a hurt, may be who knws all the wounds will heal, and happiness comes to life again,god cross our ways and take them apart, he Almighty capable of crossing them again..

Blogger labanita said...

maybe time isn't the best healer as saloma said but angels are, wait & u'll meet ur own angel one day & don't ever believe tht they pass into ur life only once, also don't ever regret on nice feelings of love, caring & thoughtfulness tht u gave away.

Blogger Enyita said...

thanks labanita 4 ur comment, happy to have u here:)

Blogger Alina said...

You described this state perfectly...And then doubts, anger, more pain, depression, and always the questions! The strive to explain it all...And then, one day, you make peace with everything. When time has passed and healed it all.

Blogger Enyita said...

Thanks Alina and am glad you're visiting my blog, and yea am trying to make peace with those wounds, which will hopefull heal..

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